Deaconess Over Ladies Activities: Carol Marshall
Fostering gospel-centered community among women through inviting people to New Life in Jesus.
Deaconess Over Ladies Prayer Group: Kathy Botteicher
Joining together in prayer for the needs of one another, our families, the church, and the world.
Deaconess Over Church Decorations: Joy Czerwinski
Lifting up the church through the beauty of each season.
Deaconess Over Fellowship: Maureen Deaton
Facilitating church life together through food and fellowship.
Deaconess Over Ladies Bible Study: Annette Pinnace
Providing Bible studies for women in the church and community.
Deaconess over Beauty for Ashes: Rhonda Russell
Providing opportunities to encourage one another through fellowship, spiritual support, and prayer based on the Titus 2 model.
Supporting the church body with love in times of need, crisis, and bereavement.
Deaconess Over Communion: Kathy Botteicher
Preparing the elements of the Lord's Supper as needed.
Providing leadership and spiritual support for the women's ministries within Staunton Alliance as we seek to invite people to New Life in Jesus.