Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.  1 Peter 4:10
Sunday Morning Ministry
Greeter Ministry

The greeter ministry is the first ministry of hospitality of SAC to those who come to worship with us each Sunday.  
It is critical that both our members and newcomers are warmly greeted and received into our building.  Currently our teams pick a month to serve.  

Worship and Praise Team

The Music/Worship team is a group of musicians dedicated to practicing and leading authentic worship of our Father God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. It is composed of singers, instrumentalists, sound and audio-visual technicians. Through our word and example, the Staunton Alliance Church Worship Team is dedicated to leading and facilitating our congregation in true Biblical Worship. While every musician functions on a different level, we expect each member to be proficient with their instrument and comfortable leading/performing in front of the congregation.  If you would like to be a part of the Worship and Praise Team, click on button below to fill out application.

Interested in joining Worship Team
Audio/Visual Team

The Audio/Visual Team is under our Worship and Praise team.  There are three areas that you could serve.  A computer that controls the lights, projectors, words to music.  A soundboard for the sound for the service and also the loop for the computers in foyer.  A camera that is used for videoing the service and then the editing of the service and also uploading to our YouTube channel.  If you would like to learn more about the different areas of the audio/visual team, click on button below. 

Staunton Alliance Technology Team
Sunday Fellowship

Between our morning Sunday Worship Service and our Life Application Groups/Kids Discovery Time, we invite you to a fellowship time with coffee and light snack food. 
We have individuals sign up to bring and help each week.  

Kids Discovery Time

If you like children and teaching, please consider joining our team.  On Sunday mornings from 11:15 am - 12:00 pm, we offer discovery classes for children of all ages.
The curriculum we use is from Answers in Genesis.  We have three classes- PreK-K, 1st - 2nd grade, 3rd-5th grade. 

If you would like to teach, please click on the link to fill out our form.
If you already have filled out an application, contact Pastor Collin to see where you can serve. 

Interested in teaching?

AWANA, which stands for “A Workman Approved Not Ashamed,” is our midweek program for children that
takes place each Wednesday from 6:45 - 8:15pm.
We offer 3 different clubs: Cubbies (Ages 3-5), Sparks (Kindergarten-2nd grade) and TNT (3rd through 5th grade).
Each night of Awana will consist of an opening ceremony, games, teaching, and scripture memorization. 




We provide nursery during our Worship Service for ages infant - preK.  We are always looking for volunteers in our nursery.  To learn more about this wonderful ministry click on button below.

Interested in helping with Nursery?
Kids in Praise

Kids in Praise takes place during our Sunday morning worship service. It is for children who are in PreK through 3rd grade.
We are using the Gospel Project Curriculum, and the theme for this fall is “Life in the Promised Land,” covering the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth.
The lessons are very interactive, as each lesson includes a teaching, video, worship, and games.
Kids are dismissed right before the sermon and are brought back to the sanctuary during the closing song.