As a Christian living in a post-Christian world, it is very important to know what you believe and why you believe it and to be able to defend your faith. Therefore, every other week for the next few months I will be doing an apologetics series and answering questions that are most often asked by skeptics of Christianity. This week’s question is: How do we know that God exists? To answer this, I will be interacting with an article I read recently in which the author cites 4 clues of God’s existence.
Clue #1-Why are we all longing for more? Every human being has a longing and a yearning for something more than we can experience in this life. Humans throughout all of time and history have recognized that the ways in which we attempt to satisfy this longing always lead to more emptiness and a hole in our hearts. C.S. Lewis once said “If I find myself longing for something that I cannot satisfy in this world, the only explanation is that I was made for another world.” Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 3:11 “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” The only explanation for the longing inside of our hearts is that we are eternal creatures and God has created us to spend eternity with him.
Clue #2-Why are the cosmos filled with mystery and wonder? The author of this article observed: “If the earth were 10% larger or 10% smaller, life would not be possible on this planet. Also, the earth is just the right distance from the sun, so we receive the right amount of heat and light. If it were further away, we would freeze and if it were closer we would not survive.” Isn’t that incredible? The intelligent order of the world means there must be an intelligent designer. The big bang theory says that everything happened by chance, but the universe is too perfectly designed to have happened simply by accident. Psalms 19:1 says “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” The only way to explain the magnificent beauty of the universe and the perfectly ordered creation is to recognize that there is a perfect creator.
Clue #3-Why are right and wrong real? Every human has an understanding that there is a moral law or standard that is to be followed, and if that is broken then there must be consequences. Noone can deny that actions such as murder or stealing are wrong. But these are not things that necessarily need to be taught, we all have a moral compass and we seem to know what is right and what is wrong. Where did that come from? The author of the article argued it like this: “Real right and wrong cannot come from either a purely material universe or from impersonal spiritual forces. Right and wrong are real, Real right and wrong require the existence of a god, and therefore, a God exists.”
Clue #4-Why do we live for love? We all have a deep desire to love and to be loved, but this goes against the grain of most attempts to explain our existence. If there is no such thing as a personal God, then we would have no reason to crave personal relationships. If there is no such long as a God who loves, then we would have no reason to crave human love and belonging. But Jesus went to the cross to die for us, the greatest example of love ever lived out. No human relationship can fully satisfy the desire that we have for a perfect love, but Jesus can. Perfect love is found in his sacrifice on the cross and when we look to him, we discover the love we are longing for.