The Trinity

We believe the true and living God is one, who eternally exists in three persons.

Therefore we will pursue unity through mutual respect and love.

God the Father

We believe the Father created all things for Himself and lovingly invites all peoples into His family.

Therefore we will make his plan and purpose known to all people.

God the Son

We believe Jesus is the only way to God, giving His life for ours to rescue us from sin.

Therefore we will treasure Jesus and follow Him alone.

God the Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit empowers us to live like Jesus and fulfill His mission.

Therefore we will submit to His work in us and live dependent lives.

The Bible

We believe the Bible is God's authoritative word, written so we can know Him and live according to His will.

Therefore we will daily prioritize knowing and obeying His Word.

The Church

We believe the church, being God's people, is called together to live and love like Jesus.

Therefore we will embrace the necessity of loving and serving together.


We believe worship is our response to who God is and what He has done.

Therefore we will exalt the greatness of God in all circumstances.


We believe prayer is God's invitation to enjoy His presence and seek His provision in all things.

Therefore we will pray faithfully and with urgency.